Stay off the meds that keep you addicted to them.
Anxiety is a widespread, worldwide issue that knows no boundaries. It is an overwhelming problem that affects all races, ages and classes. Those suffering find that slight disappointments and/or aggravations are over-amplified as it depletes one’s ability to manage personal and social relationships, adversely interfering with decision-making skills. Without taking steps to alleviate its symptoms, its victims live with constant stress, nervousness, apprehension and depression that can cause long-term physical and mental damage.
Amid the global pandemic we face, the number of anti-anxiety prescriptions has spiked by more than 30% since the middle of March. The list of side effects of many of these medications include thoughts of suicide, liver damage and liver disease, weight loss, increased cholesterol levels and blood pressure, seizures, heart attacks, etc… Even scarier to read is that some drugs have even proven to be fatal when paired with other prescriptions that are treating additional health ailments. Cannabinoid products such as CBD capsules and tinctures are a natural alternative to anti-anxiety meds and antidepressants.
How does CBD alleviate anxiety symptoms?
CBD inhibits serotonin reuptake: Administering serotonin reuptake inhibitors is one of the conventional treatment methods for anxiety disorders. Cannabidiol has therapeutic properties that influence the actions of the central nervous system. CBD is a natural compound that can also inhibit serotonin reuptake to deliver a healthy, therapeutic option compared to synthetic variants.
Anxiolytic properties: The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) has receptors that manage our emotional responsiveness. Hemp oil with naturally-occuring CBD and other cannabinoids activate CB1 receptors to exert anxiolytic properties and calm the brain and body.
CBD regulates anandamide levels: Anandamide is a chemical responsible for happiness and calmness. Our brain produces enough anandamides to keep us going without anxiety but FAAH enzymes in our body tend to break the anandamides. CBD inhibits the breakdown of anandamide by activating specific receptors.
Are there side effects to CBD products? Of course there can be but in retrospect they are minor to their synthetic counterparts. The list includes changes in mood, drowsiness and nausea. People come in all shapes and sizes so it is important to microdose until the dosage that works for you is established. Lack of sleep leads to agitation too so it is recommended to start a trial before bed when you can completely relax and let nature’s remedy take its course.
Author: Andrea Lettic MS , Copyright Apra Hemp, BBB Labs all rights reserved. 2020